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Alon Shepon


Alon is a food system expert and an environmental scientist with research interests in food, ecology, and sustainability. His research efforts are devoted to understanding the links between nutrition and environment and advancing quantitative research to inform policy towards sustainable food systems. He completed his PhD at the Weizmann Institute of Science and pursued a postdoc fellowship at the T. H. Chan school of public health at Harvard. He is currently a PI at the Department of Environmental Studies at the Porter school of the Environment and Earth Sciences. Apart from his academic roles, he is the chair of the Israeli Forum for Sustainable Nutrition

Osnat Steimatzky

Osnat has a B.Sc in Biology and Economics from the Hebrew University and a MBA from Tel Aviv University. She studies the relationship between agrobiodiversity, nutrition and environment in the USA food system. Prior to her studies she managed a VC company portfolio and specialized in financial risk.

Galia Cukierman

Galia is an expert in Urban Agriculture and in Quality & Sustainability management in the food industry with teaching experience at the Hebrew University and at governmental and professional activities.

She studied B.Sc. at the Technion and M.Sc. in the faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment at the Hebrew University. Her PhD focuses on understanding the contribution of community gardens to achieving sustainability.

Galia is a TEDx organizer, leading events for environmental and social change (TEDxHiriya, TEDxJaffa about smart and sustainable cities, and two events of TEDxWomen for gender justice).

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Mali Nisnik

Mali is a geographer who holds a B.A. (Cum Laude) in geography and human environment from Tel Aviv University. She is a practicing engineer in architecture and a visual communication designer with experience in managing design teams specializing in food and beverage product design. Her M.A. is focused on mapping and analyzing sugar production on a planetary level from the field to the end-users. She hopes her research will contribute to reducing sugar's health and environmental impacts through a shift towards a more sustainable food system.


Lindsay Azoulay

Lindsay holds a BSc in Business Administration from the University of South Florida and an MA in Environmental studies from Tel Aviv University. In addition to her studies, she is a writer specializing in education and language acquisition. Her PhD examines the potential for sustainable food production in dry lands and seeks to discover practical strategies for enhancing food production in these challenging environments. 


Serena Ruyan

Serena got her B.A. in History from Whitman College in the US. She worked in outdoor and experiential education before starting her M.A. in Environmental Studies at Tel Aviv University. Her thesis research compares the Material Flow Analyses of certain commodities in the colonial era and today, to better understand how our current trade patterns and production centers were formed.

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