Shepon, A.†, Sun, Z.†, Makov, T., Behrens, P., 2024. The environmental and social opportunities of reducing sugar intake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., 121, 48, e2314482121.
Viana, D.†, Gill, D., Zvoleff, A., Krueck, N, Zamborain-Mason, J., Free, C., Shepon, A., Mascia, M., Grieco, D., Schmidhuber, J., Golden, C., 2024. Sustainable-use marine protected areas to improve human nutrition. Nature Communication 15, 7716.
Passarelli, S.*†, Free, C.*, Shepon, A., Beal, T., Batis, C., Golden, C. Global estimation of dietary micronutrient inadequacies: a modelling analysis. Lancet Global Health.
Pelman, A.†, de Vries, J., Tepper, S., Eshel, G., Carmel, Y., Shepon, A., 2024. A life-cycle approach highlights the nutritional and environmental superiority of agroecology over conventional farming: a case study of a Mediterranean farm. PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 3(6): e0000066.
Wu, T.*, Rocha J.*†, Chaigneau, T., Lindkvist, E., Hamman, M., Qiu, J., Shill, C., Shepon, A., Crépin AS., Folke, C., 2024. Triple bottom line or trilemma? Global tradeoffs between prosperity, inequality, and the environment. World Development, 178, 106595.
Shepon, A.†, Wu, T., Kremen, C., Dayan, T., Perfecto, I., Fanzo, J., Eshel, G., Golden, C. Exploring scenarios for the food system-zoonotic risk interface, 2023. Lancet Planetary Health, 7, e329-335.
Makov, T.†, Mesulam, T., Mehmet, C., Shepon, A., Schor, J.,2022. Digitial food sharing and food insecurity in the COVID-19 era. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 106735.
Passarelli, S.*†, Free, C.*, …, Shepon, A., Viana, D., Golden, C., 2022. Estimating national and sub-national usual nutrient intake distributions of global diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, nqac108.
Shepon, A.*†, Makov, T.*, Hamilton, H., Muller, D., Gephart, J., Henriksson, P., Troell, M., Golden, C., 2022. Sustainable intensification of omega-3 supply chain can substantially narrow the nutrient gap. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 181, 106260.
Golden, D.*†, Koehn, J.*, Shepon, A.*, Passarelli, S.*,…,Thilsted, S., 2021. Aquatic Foods to Nourish Nations, Nature.
Gephart, J.*†, Henriksson, P.*, Parker, R.*, Shepon, A.*,… Max Troell, 2021. The environmental performance of blue foods, Nature, 597, 360-365.
Leger, D.†, Matassa, S., Noor, E., Shepon, A., Milo, R., Bar-Even, A., 2021. Photovoltaic-driven microbial protein can use land more efficiently than conventional crops. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A., 118, 26, e2015025118.
Shepon, A.†, Gephart, J., Golden, C., Henriksson, P., Jones, R., Koehn, Z., Eshel, G., 2021. Exploring sustainable aquaculture development using a nutrition-sensitive approach. Global Environmental changes, 69, 102285.
Tepper, S.†, Geva, D., Shahar, D., Shepon, A., Mendelson O., Golan, M., Adler, D., Golan R., 2021. The SHED index: A tool for assessing a Sustainable HEalthy Diet. European Journal of Nutrition.
Shepon, A.†, Gephart, J., Henriksson, P., Jones, R., Murshed-e-Jahan, K., Eshel, G., Golden, C., 2020. Reorientation of aquaculture production systems can reduce environmental impacts and improve nutrition security in Bangladesh. Nature Food, 1, 640–647.
Makov, T.*†, Shepon, A.*, Krones, J., Gupta, C., Chertow, M., 2020. Social and environmental analysis of food waste abatement via the peer-to-peer sharing economy. Nature Communications, 11, 1156.
Eshel, G. †, Stainier, P., Shepon, A., Swaminathan, A., 2019. Environmentally Optimal, Nutritionally Sound, Protein and Energy Conserving Plant Based Alternatives to Meat. Scientific Reports, 9, 1-11.
Makov, T. †, Meylan, G., Powell, J. T., Shepon, A. 2019. Better than bottled water?—Energy and climate change impacts of on-the-go drinking water stations. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 143, 320-328.
Shepon, A.†, Henriksson, P., Tong, W., 2018. Conceptualizing a sustainable food system in an automated world: towards a “Eudaimonian” future. Frontiers in Nutrition, Special issue on food insecurity, 5, 104.
Hamann, M.†,…Shepon, A., Tilman, A., Wu, T., 2018. Inequality and the Biosphere. Annual Reviews of Environment and Resources, 43, 61-83.
Shepon, A., Eshel, G., Noor, E., Milo, R.†, 2018. The opportunity costs of animal based foods exceeds all food losses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A., 115, 15, 3804-3809.
Eshel, G., Shepon, A., Shaket, T., Cotler, B.D., Gilutz, S., Giddings, D., Raymo, M.E., Milo, R.†, 2017. A model for “sustainable” US Beef production. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2, 81-85.
Shepon, A., Eshel, G., Noor, E., and Milo, R.†, 2016. Energy and protein feed-to-food conversion efficiencies in the US and potential food security gains from dietary changes. Environmental Research Letters, 11(10).
Eshel, G., Shepon, A., Noor, E., and Milo, R.†, 2016. Environmentally Optimal, Nutritionally Aware Beef Replacement Plant Based Diets. Environmental Science and Technology, 50 (15), 8164–8168.
Eshel, G.*, Shepon, A.*, Makov, T., Milo, R.†, 2014, Reply to Tichenor: Proposed update to beef greenhouse gas footprint is numerically questionable and well within current uncertainty bounds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 112 (8), E822-E823.
Eshel, G.*, Shepon, A.*, Makov, T., Milo, R.†, 2014, Reply to Metson et al.: The importance of phosphorus perturbations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 111 (46), E4908-E4908.
Eshel, G.*, Shepon, A.*, Makov, T., Milo, R.†, 2014, Land, irrigation water, greenhouse gas and reactive nitrogen burdens of meat, eggs & dairy production in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 111, 11996–12001.
Eshel, G.*, Shepon, A.*, Makov, T., Milo, R.†, 2014, Partitioning United States’ Feed Consumption Among Livestock Categories For Improved Environmental Cost Assessments. Journal of Agricultural Science, FirstView, 1–14.
Shepon, A., Israeli, T., Eshel, G., Milo, R.†, 2013, EcoTime—An intuitive quantitative sustainability indicator utilizing a time metric. Ecological Indicators, 24, 240-245.
Shepon, A. and Gildor, H.†, 2008, The Lightning-Biota Climatic Feedback. Global Change Biology, 14, 440-450, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01501.x.
Shepon, A., Gildor, H., Labrador, LJ., Butler, T., Ganzeveld, LN. and Lawrence, MG.†, 2007, Global reactive nitrogen deposition from lightning NOx. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 112, Art. No. D06304.